What a nice Sunday... my sweet puppy was licking my face at 6:30 am! I was planning on sleeping in a bit... but no such luck... after a walk around the park, the coffee pot was on and my day in full swing... Met Angie at 9am for a nice long walk at Bobolink. We got in between 6 and 7 miles, so we're more than ready for Cooper River... Then our usual Starbucks stop for a well-deserved latte!
Yummo! It was cool and cloudy this morning, but the day turned sunny and warm. I shopped with Peggy for carpet for her re-do then came home and bathed Pagli. Gotta get him all handsome for Bonnie's arrival on Wednesday. Now if I can just keep him clean until then... Since it's been so dry out here, it's also very dusty and his white fur just absorbs the dirt like a sponge! Then a little time wasted on Facebook and the day is done... whew!!!
Where did the weekend go??? Back to the grind tomorrow!